You may edit, cancel, or re-order any order through the email confirmation you receive after checkout.
If you wish to edit your order, to give you full flexibility, the current order in question will be cancelled and you will be refunded. Please allow 1 to 7 business days for this refund to be processed. Then you will be redirected to the shopping cart page as seen during your original checkout process and you may now add/remove any products as necessary.
If an order has been packed up to be shipped, edits are no longer able to be done through the portal, and we are unable to add/remove items from this shipment.
If you wish to cancel an order that has already been packed up to be shipped, you will need to begin a regular return process. We are unable to retrieve packages once they are ready to be shipped. Orders that have been successfully canceled through the portal, will have refunds processed within 1 to 7 business days depending on your bank.
If you make two or more orders separately without editing we will do our best to combine them into one shipment. However, we may not be able to honor this request depending on the time frame of which the orders were placed due to the possibility it might effect our operational quality and accuracy. Please make sure to notify us of this request through our support system or email us at
In the event that we do combine your separate orders, upon request, we will refund the shipping difference when applicable.
If an order has been packed up to be shipped, we can not combine any orders to this shipment and therefore orders must be shipped separately at your own cost.
You can view your order history by logging into your customer account page.